2002 - 2005

COURSE 2005/2 COURSE 2005/1 COURSE 2004 COURSE 2003 COURSE 2002/2 COURSE 2002/1

COURSE 2005/2

The regular autumn training course was characterised by the slightly confrontational spirit of the meetings between the representatives of the Klangnetze project and the then already independent Different Hearing programme. Numerous discrepancies were cleared up, yet the impressions from the course remained ambiguous.

Date: November 8-11, 2005
Tutors: Prof. Dr. Josef Gründler, Cordula Bösze, Prof. Dr. Hans Schneider, Hochschule für Musik Freiburg, doc. Ing. Ivo Medek, PhD., HF JAMU, MgA. Markéta Dvořáková, Mgr. Gabriela Coufalová, Ph.D., Mgr. Jaromír Synek, doc. Vít Zouhar, Ph.D.
Participants: Students of the Faculty of Education of Palacký University in Olomouc – Teaching 1st Grade at Primary Schools and Special Pedagogy (3rd year) + students of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno – Music Composition
Place: Music Education Dept. of the Faculty of Education of Palacký University in Olomouc – UP Arts Centre, Special Primary School in Olomouc - Řepčín

COURSE 2005/1

Upon the organisers’ requirement, the Different Hearing programme was presented at the Exposition of New Music 2005 festival in Brno. Primary and secondary schools in Brno were invited to collaborate. The common objective of the Different Hearing team, teachers and children was to prepare within three music lessons independent compositions, which were not only performed but also written by the children. The generally outlined scope was made use of by the children for creation of their own compositions, which they subsequently presented within the festival at a concert at the Radost Puppet Theatre.

Date: May 18-22, 2005
Tutors: doc. Ing. Ivo Medek, Ph.D., MgA. Markéta Dvořáková, MgA., Mgr. Vít Zouhar, PhD., Mgr. Jaromír Synek, MgA. Jan Kavan, MgA. Jana Bařinková
Participants: Pupils and students of Brno schools - Brno-Hamry Primary School, Waldorf Primary School Brno and Bishop Grammar School Brno
Place: The aforementioned schools and the Radost Puppet Theatre

Video from Exposition of New Music 2005 – Waldorf Primary School Brno:

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The originally three-day course was extended to four days. The new aspect was a performance of all the participants within a joint concert, which was prepared during the additional day. The project was implemented with support from the Fund for University Development.

Date: November 9-12, 2004
Tutors: Prof. Dr. Josef Gründler, Cordula Bösze, doc. Ing. Ivo Medek, Ph.D., MgA. Markéta Dvořáková, MgA., Mgr. Vít Zouhar, PhD., Mgr. Jaromír Synek
Participants: Students of the Faculty of Education of Palacký University in Olomouc - Teaching 1st Grade at Primary Schools and Special Pedagogy + students of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno – Music Composition
Place: Music Education Dept. of the Faculty of Education of Palacký University in Olomouc - UP Arts Centre, Special Primary School in Olomouc - Řepčín


For the first time, the regular autumn course was accommodated to its participants’ professional specialisation, and pedagogues and students of the Faculty of Music of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts were invited to co-operate. The programme was newly conceived, not only in order to comply with the possibilities of extending the traditional music education tuition at primary and secondary schools but, when it came to improvisation and creativity, it also focused on disabled children, on seeking motivation and inspiration for direct access to music by minority groups and different cultures.

Date: November 18-20, 2003
Tutors: prof. dr. Josef Gründler, doc. Ing. Ivo Medek, Ph.D., Mgr. Veronika Ševčíková, Pd.D., MgA. Markéta Dvořáková, MgA., Mgr. Vít Zouhar, PhD., Mgr. Jaromír Synek
Participants: Music Education Dept. of the Faculty of Education of Palacký University in Olomouc - UP Arts Centre, Secondary Medical School Olomouc - Řepčín
Place: KHV PdF UP v Olomouci - Umělecké centrum UP, SZŠ Olomouc - Řepčín

COURSE 2002/2

The second autumn course was focused on work with the youngest school children – first-grade pupils of the Primary School in Olomouc, Heyrovského 33. It again took place with support from the Erasmus-Socrates programme.

Date: November 5-7, 2002
Tutors: Mag. Gerhard Nierhaus, MgA., Mgr. Vít Zouhar, PhD., Mgr. Jaromír Synek
Participants: Students of the Faculty of Education of Palacký University in Olomouc - Teaching 1st Grade at Primary Schools and Special Pedagogy (3rd year) + pupils of the Primary School in Olomouc, Heyrovského 33
Place: Music Education Dept. of the Faculty of Education of Palacký University in Olomouc - UP Arts Centre, Primary School in Olomouc, Heyrovského 33

COURSE 2002/1

Inspired by Austria’s Klangnetze programme and in collaboration with the Universität für Musik und dartellende Kunst Graz, a team at the Music Education Department of the Faculty of Education of Palacký University in Olomouc established the Different Hearing (Anders Hören) programme. In comparison with Klangnetze, its objectives were extended more in the direction of improvisation and creativity, with the basis being playing with sound. The course applied a two-degree model of tuition: the first phase was intended for students (Faculty of Education), who in the second phase – when working with grammar school students – became tutors themselves. The course ran over four weeks, during which time the students and tutors continued to work on their compositions.

Date: 19-21 March and 16-18 April 2002
Tutors: Prof. Dr. Josef Gründler MgA., Mgr. Vít Zouhar, Ph.D., Mgr. Jaromír Synek
Participants: Students of the Faculty of Education of Palacký University in Olomouc - Teaching 1st Grade at Primary Schools and Special Pedagogy + students of the Grammar School in Olomouc - Hejčín
Place: Music Education Dept. of the Faculty of Education of Palacký University in Olomouc - UP Arts Centre, Grammar School in Olomouc - Hejčín